Using two separate ...
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Using two separate filters for lights, should I take and use two sets of Flats?

4 Posts
2 Users
Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 30
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Greetings everyone!

First, congratulations on the Beta release of APP version 2.0.0 beta22.  This program has really grown to be a fantastic post-processor!

I'm wondering about the need for a set of Flat frames for each filter that I use in the image train.  I use both an Optolong UV/IR cut filter as well as an L-eNhance dual band-pass for imaging with my ZWO color camera.  I can easily take multiple stacks of 20 Flats with each filter in the ASIAIR Plus, but I'm unsure of how to load all of those stacks for each filter into the Load tab.  Is it necessary to have both filters with their own Master Flats?  If so, can APP identify & differentiate them for use with their associated Lights?  What must I do to make sure the Flats Calibrate properly?


Thank you for your support,

Kindest regards,


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

You assign one filter and its data to session 1 and the other to session 2. I would advice to do this for separate filters as they can show different dust spots and/or illumination. If you shoot dark-flats, these can be assigned to the correct session. As they are very similar to a bias signal, that's usually not critical, but I would do it just in case. Darks are matched to the lights and are not specific to a filter, darks are automatically matched.

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 30
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Thank you Vincent!


You’re always so hard at work.  It is appreciated!

that makes perfect sense to me to use different sessions for different filter data sets that I’ve taken Flats for.  I do use Dark-Flats as well instead of Bias frames. 

Thank you,



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

Thanks for the kind words! 🙂
