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15th Feb 2024: Astro Pixel Processor 2.0.0-beta29 released - macOS native File Chooser, macOS CMD-Q fixed, read-only Fits on network fixed and other bug fixes

7th December 2023:  added payment option Alipay to purchase Astro Pixel Processor from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and other countries where Alipay is used.


How does stacking work when combining FITS from multiple cameras/telescopes?

1 Posts
1 Users
Molecular Cloud
Joined: 4 months ago
Posts: 1
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Hi Team, say I have data for the same object from three or four different camera/telescope systems. I know that APP makes it trivially easy to combine the data, but how does that combination actually happen? By that I mean, what's the actual process for determine which pixels to use from which sources? Say I'm combining data from a Celestron RASA 8" and a 2 megapixel camera, with data from a Planewave CDK 20" and a 64 megapixel camera. Will my final image resolution be closer to the former, or the latter, assuming equal number of frames?
