Flat panel vignetti...
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Flat panel vignetting correction

1 Posts
1 Users
White Dwarf
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 12
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I saw this interesting video about the analysis of a flat panel

In a nutshell you take a flat image and divide it by its 2nd degree Polynomial Surface Fit, then by looking at the histogram, specially the standard deviation vs the mean will give you an idea how "flat" your panel really is.

My flat panel is illuminated from the sides, which makes it darker on the center, you can only notice this with very slow shutter speeds. This specific case of vignetting effect is a property of the panel and not of my image train, my image train will introduce a second layer of vignetting.

My panel light source is even to around 1.1%.

As this "second" layer of vignetting is only present when I use my flat panel a not on my data, is it possible to correct for it and leave only the vignetting from the imaging train ?
