Flat Dark Calibrati...
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Flat Dark Calibration Problem

2 Posts
2 Users
Black Hole
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 164
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APP won't apply my matching dark flats to my flats, says I have to have a bias or matching dark flats. I took my dark flats at the same time as my flats and with the same gain, temperature and exposure lengths. Here's the message

CRITICAL WARNING: flat-field calibration can not be performed correctly!

To be able to perform accurate flat-field calibration,
the provided flats need to be calibrated by either

- a MasterBias, of the same ISO/gain value as the flat frame, or
- a MasterDarkFlat of the same ISO/gain value and the same exposure time as the flat frame, or
- both

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5709

Could you send me a few of the flats and dark-flats?
