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[Solved] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 11

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Molecular Cloud
Joined: 6 months ago
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I've been combining TIFFs into a mosaic using APP, and to this point it has worked perfectly. Last night it started giving a variety of errors towards the end of integration; the first time it said "Encountered error in module: MultipleViewUncalibratedNoDistortionCorrection Error message: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 11".

I tried combining just two adjacent TIFFs that had previously worked OK, and got the module "Integrator", and the exception was "Coordinate out of bounds!"

As I'd just purchased the owner's license and upgraded to the latest, after searching the forum I tried uninstalling APP and installing 1.083.3, but still got the Exception:11 error.

I'm running Windows 11, although my license information after reinstalling states that the 1.083.3 version is installed on a second laptop (it isn't) using Windows 10.

I'm not sure if it's something I've changed, although the new install seemed to be back to defaults.

Hoping someone can assist.

Cheers, David

Edit: no helpful suggestions have been forthcoming 🙁 but I suspect the issue is with the last observation I made. I've got it to the point where APP will successfully combine the observations it had previously managed, but it is still throwing the MultipleViewUncalibratedNoDistortionCorrection Error message: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException error. I'm using a Vespera. APP will happily combine the FITs into a TIFF, but will not combine that TIFF with the previous observations' TIFFs. I'll wait for the moon to go away and the clouds to disappear and try again...


This topic was modified 5 months ago by David Skelt

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Hi David @davidskeltoutlook-com,

Please accept my apologies for the late reply to this issue.

The error definitely indicates a problem with registering the images. It is an issue on our todo list, so we are aware of this.

First of all, usually, the error goes away when you modify settings in 3) analyse stars or in 4) register.

3) try to increase the detected star count

4) increase scale stop if possible

Another reason for the issue, could be that the new TIFF has too little overlap with the previous Tiff files, so registering them is simply to hard? Do you know how much overlap there would be?

Oh, and something that does affect this is linearity. Please make sure that the TIFFs still contain linear (so not stretched) data, that improves results for sure 😉


Molecular Cloud
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@mabula-admin Thanks! Definitely using linear data; I've repeated the observation, and increased the overlap. It does (technically) stack the images, but a slightly different issue has popped up. I can stack 11 or 12 tiles quite happily, but when I load all 14 the final mosaic is very distorted (image below).



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Dear David, @davidskeltoutlook-com

Okay, glad it is working now. The distortion that you see now is due to the large field of view of the whole mosaic. The default projection of a telescope or normaly photography lens is rectilinear.

But rectilinear will only work well with fields of view smaller than 100-120 degrees.  TO overcome this issue:

- 4) Register, use the calibrated projective registration model and register the mosaic in that way. Then you will be able to project the data with other projections like equirectangular and mercator. Then it should look much better.

Let me know if this works 😉


Molecular Cloud
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@mabula-admin Thanks Mabula - I appreciate the support! I'll give it a go tonight and let you know.

Mabula-Admin reacted