How does each integ...
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[Solved] How does each integration mode effect to the file size and resolution?

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White Dwarf
Joined: 3 years ago
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I have my 2 nights of 2 panes SHO data from 294MMPro dithering with bin2 (Image resolution 4144x2822).

I integrated each pane and then mosaic them together.  And finishing with the Image resolution of 16000s x 20000s which much increase the file size.

Seems that the first normal integration of each pane double the resolution to 8200s x 5600s.   And the mosaic integration double each pane resolution to 16000s x 11000s.  As I did the mosaic  at the long side the final image resolution becomes 16000s x 20000s. I always set the Integration mode to Interpolation.

My question is that what’s the difference between each integration mode and how it effect to the file size?

With dithering I want to get the benefit of eleminating walking noise.  Is there an option to integrate by preserving the image resolution?  Especially for mosaic, as the data already double pixel from each pane integration step.

Thank you in advance.


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Hi Suwat @muangmuk,

Thank you very much for your question and clear description.

So the integration of your 4144x2822 images gives result sof 8200x5600, right? Then you probably are integrating with scale 2.0 in 6) integrate at the bottom? Maybe for (bayer/x-trans) drizzle ? That would explain that.

The mosaic then again has each pane double, where you probably still have set the scale to 2.0.

If you have scale set to 1.0, then the resulting pixel dimensions will be logical and comparable to the original pixel dimensions of your images.

Hope that explains it?


White Dwarf
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 13
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@mabula-admin Thank you so much for your reply.  I noticed that the Integration scale was set to 2.0 but the mode was set to Interpolation.

Mabula-Admin reacted
Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

You are most welcome @muangmuk !

Glad all is okay now.
