Calibration Flats, ...
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Calibration Flats, not available -no Instrument name in FITS header

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Main Sequence Star
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When I calibrate my lights (all with gain 111) with darks, flats and darkflats (all of them with gain 111) the '2) Calibrate' process sometimes halts asking to select the correct masterflat for light frames. Version beta-24.

The dialog provides two items to chose from: one is the correct flat (at ISO/gain: 111.0), the other is a weird item: "MF-IG_0.0-E_0.0s-notAvailable-5496x3672.fits".

And searching through the astropixelprocessor directory I found other items like "BPM-notAvailable-5496x3672.fits" next to a proper BPM fits file.

Why is that?

This topic was modified 7 months ago 2 times by Mabula-Admin

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Dear Gilles @museceleste,

that notAvailable indicates that there are flats without an instrument tag in the FITS header. You can fix those frames with the Batch Modify FIts metadata tool 😉 find the problem files and then create new ones with the correct Instrument name, the instrument name is the name of the camera and that name is controlled by your capture software/hardware.


Main Sequence Star
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Thank you! Decidedly, APP has answers to almost every thing 😉
Didn't know about this batch tool. Now that I do, I have 3 more questions (sorry):

1. With regards to the APP dialog on the left hand side, I can't find the HDU1 'filter' nor the HDU1 'Session' tags in my flats (even in regular/normal flats created by my ASIxxx camera). Do these header tags exist? What should they contain? Does the tool massively replace only the non-blank (or filled) fields?

2. After opening/selecting several flats with the tool, is there a way to inspect their individual headers sequentially (e.g. by pressing a NEXT button?)

3. Is there a textbox into which I could enter a header tag content and let APP search for the corresponding file(s) that contain it? And would it support wildcards?



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Hi Gilles @museceleste,

THe Batch Modify FIts tool is made for issue like this. Data created within 1 imaging session where the captured software or hardware did not have correct settings or was misconfigured by mistake.

So the frames that you load into tool should be from the same imaging session, then you will know that the header tags present or not will be the same, right?

The filter tag should be in the FITS HDU normally, most capture software will put that tag into the saved files. The session tag is not standard, APP will enter this in saved images that were loaded in multi-session mode with a session tag applied to those frames.

If you need to alter the instrument, enter a new name in the instrument field and the saved files will have that in the Fits HDU.

