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Folder for File Organization

2 Posts
2 Users
White Dwarf
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 5
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I'm just learning APP and I'm wondering how you experts organize your .fits files at various stages of processing into into folders for more easily keeping track of where things are.

I'm using iTelescope so I typically download for example sets of RGBLHa calibrated images. Is it enough to have a folder for the calibrated images and a work folder for everything else, or is it better to have more fine grained folder organization into stages of processing and final tiff or jpg images?

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Christopher Graham

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5710

That depends on preferences everyone has, but in general I tend to put darks, lights, bias or darkflats etc in their own folder. I also organize my lights per subject and then per date. It's not very specific to APP, but it can help in finding your data later on.
