"Fully automatic" m...
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"Fully automatic" mode and options

5 Posts
4 Users
Brown Dwarf
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3
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Suggestion: a big green "fully automatic" mode button that chains together Calibrate/Analyse Stars/Register/Normalize/Integrate - using all default settings.

Optional: make this configurable so that it pauses for user interaction at one of the steps per user choice before hitting the big green button.

Rationale: APP works so well I can basically run it on all defaults once I've loaded my images and calibration frames, and just leave it to cosmetic adjustments after Integration has finished. Currently I have to "babysit" through the steps in the workflow, but since I'm just using all defaults, this is inconvenient when it could just be automatically going on to the next step itself.

Presently my workflow is to load images, and then sit at the computer while I hit Calibrate, Analyse Stars, Register, Normalize, in sequence, looking to see when each finishes in the Console -- or if I have the sound on, the "bell" chime. I pause at Integrate because I know that takes the longest, so when I hit that next, I step away from the computer and finally go and do something else for a while. Would be nice to do that at the beginning of Calibrate. 

Did I miss this feature existing somewhere? Sorry if so!

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 20

I don't think you need to sit through each step. You can simply load your images and press the integrate button.

APP will go through each step in sequence with the settings that you set (or defaults) and finishes the integration.


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

We can try to make this more clear in the UI yes, but if you load in the data and go to the integrate tab, you can click on integrate and all is done automatically. Of course you may want to add some options still for even better results.

Brown Dwarf
Joined: 5 years ago
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Life-changing! Many thanks, Dong & Vincent -- I'll give that a try! I wonder if others have missed this?

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 25

its easy to miss. i think i picked up on it ina tutorial video Mabula did. 


One thing ot note,. as I learned this the other day

I accidentally added the wrong flats to my stack, and processed. Saw there were artifact and realized my mistake. I shot new flats, and added them to the list of files after removing the old ones. However, when i re-integrated i saw the same artifacts

I actually had to go to calibrate, re create the calibration files, and then hirt the "re-assign masters to lights" button to get this to work. I think the flow assumes top use the already assigned calibration files. Eve n if i un-checked them it still somehow used them.


Hope that helps!

