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15th Feb 2024: Astro Pixel Processor 2.0.0-beta29 released - macOS native File Chooser, macOS CMD-Q fixed, read-only Fits on network fixed and other bug fixes

7th December 2023:  added payment option Alipay to purchase Astro Pixel Processor from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and other countries where Alipay is used.


What am I doing wrong or did I skip a step?

7 Posts
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White Dwarf
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I process my images with APP, and I discussed this with members of my club who all use "pixinsight"
So I submitted to them one of my M16 roughs made with a 350D digital camera without filters

Attached are the JPEG images of M16
First, my image "M16 mon image "
Secondly, there's the two "M16 pix" images they sent me back.
They raised some questions:
-Am I the one who didn't understand everything about the processing?
-Is it even possible with APP to have the same result and how?
-Where could I find a formation in French?

Ps if the answer could be made in French that would help me a lot

M16 Pix OG
M16 pix CH
M16 Mon Image

Merci par avance

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2133

@jl-gozzi Salut Jean-Luc. Je suis desolé mais je ne parle pas Français très bien.

It is very hard to answer your questions without more information. What kind of data are we looking at? Did you use flats, darks, dark flats, bias? With what version of APP did you process the raw data? Is this the integration result only or did you do any post-procssing?

The same questions for the image processes with PixInsight.

Also, it isn't exactly clear to me which are the PixInsight images and which is "ton image". Can you please indicate which is which?

Please be as verbose as you can in your replies.

To my best of knowledge, there is no APP documentation in French, sorry. 

Red Giant
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 51


J'ai rien compris à ta question... ni ce que tu veux faire ???


Pour les formations en Français sur APP :

Déjà des tutos sur mon site web :



Ensuite, il y a des formations à l'association AIP (mais le stage de février est annulé cause covid). Il y a néanmoins les conférences e-learning.



a+ philippe


White Dwarf
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Bonjour tout d'abord merci pour ta réponse aussi rapide et pour les liens que tu m'as donné 

je vais les étudier en détail mais une petite question me viens à l'espris, il faut que je les enchaines dans quel ordre?

puis-je me retourner vers toi si je n'ai pas tout compris?

merci beaucoup


White Dwarf
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Thank you for your answer and for putting a sentence in French 
First of all, when I click on the photo, the name appears on the top left. Is it the same for you?
My photo is called "M16 my image" it comes from two sequences made with a canon 350D without filter:
1 st sequence : 31 Dark 30s 800iso / 30 flat 1/4000 s 800iso / 60 offset 1/4000s 800iso / 196 images 30s 800iso
2 nd sequence : 31 Dark 30s 800iso / 30 flat 1/4000 s 800iso / 31 offset 1/4000s 800iso / 201 images 30s 800iso

for the treatment I put all in APP, the 62 dark, the 60 flats, 91 offsets and finally the 397 images and then I made the following treatment:

Under the RAW/FITS tab you need to select RGB, Adaptive Airy Disc and check force CFA.
Under the LOAD tab you can load your images from your working directory: light, flat, dark and bias.
Under the CALIBRATE tab, check the create Bad Pixel Map box and then click on calibrate.
I then integrated my images at the end I saved the images that came out of APP in Fits and in Jpeg

it's this fits file that I gave to my colleagues and with pixinsight I output the two images named "M16 pix OG" and M16 Pix CH

what I wanted to know is when you get your raw what are the next steps in APP to process the image.

thanks in advance

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Posts: 2133

@jl-gozzi Thanks for the explanation. I hadn't clicked on the images yet. It is clear to me now.

Posted by: @jl-gozzi

what I wanted to know is when you get your raw what are the next steps in APP to process the image.

The PixInsight images have been cropped which you can do in AstroPixelProcessor with the "batch crop" tool in the Tools tab. After that you can increase the color saturation of the image by loading it in the i age previewer in APP (click the name of the image in the image list and it will be displayed) and then enabling saturation in the tools on the right hand side. the SAT slider then will become active and you can drag that to the right to increase color saturation. You may want to do a light pollution correction (also in the tools tab) as well after cropping and before increasing the color saturation.

This is why I asked what post-processing was done by the two members of your club in PixInsight. You should be able to do much of what they did in AstroPixelProcessor as well. I don't think they did a DBE (DynamicBackgroundCorrection with is the PixInsight equivalent of light pollution correction in AstroPixelProcessor) for example. But only they can tell you.

White Dwarf
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@wvreevenmerci pour votre aide je vais tester cela
