LNC Causing final i...
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LNC Causing final integration to be blank image file

3 Posts
2 Users
Red Giant
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 30
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Hi friends!

I'm working on a big integration (~750 subs / ~100 hrs). When I do my integration (HA-Oiii extract HA), the final image that gets produced is just a blank image. It shows up blank/black in APP, and pure white (but I can see dithering artifacts) in Pixinsight.

I'm on V2 beta 6 on an M1 Mac. (I also tried on my PC, 2.0 Beta 2, and it gave me the same result.)

I fiddled around trying to disable various settings that I normally use, and I think I nailed it down to LNC.

I normally do 4th Degree LNC, 3 iterations, and it usually works great. Now these settings are producing the pure white integrated image. When I change that to 2nd Degree LNC / 3 iterations, it produces a normal mono HA image like I expect.

I'm now testing different levels/iterations of LNC, but I'd love to know what caused the blank integration file at 4th degree 3 iterations of LNC.

Any thoughts?



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5710

A lot of the times LNC is not needed, why do you go to more degrees than standard? Does the standard 1st degree and 3 iterations produce a good result? It may be that you're adding too much complexity for the algorithm with specifically this data. Just a speculation at the moment though. 🙂

Red Giant
Joined: 4 years ago
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@vincent-mod I could never tell that LNC was making a difference unless I used 4th degree 3 iterations, so that's what I usually use. I ended up going with 2nd degree 3 iterations for this one, and it looked great.
