Good job on APP! Yo...
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15th Feb 2024: Astro Pixel Processor 2.0.0-beta29 released - macOS native File Chooser, macOS CMD-Q fixed, read-only Fits on network fixed and other bug fixes

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Good job on APP! You made me successful at imaging with my Dob

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Neutron Star
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Posts: 75
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I know you mainly get questions and issues here, I’ve certainly posted my share. So I just wanted to express my appreciation for APP.  I image with a stock Alt/Az Goto Dobsonian, a telescope that should not, in any way, be able to do deep sky astrophotography.

And it was difficult at first… stacking would fail with Deep Sky Stacker, the rotation over an imaging session would have awful boundaries on other stackers, but APP was not only the most robust of four stackers I tried, but it produced the best results.  Who would have thought that images like this could pretty easily be captured with a basic observational Dob!


324EEDD9 0B9B 45CE A011 970F30F6434D

This is with a full frame camera on a focal reduced (f3.65) 12” Dob allowing me to capture this in only 3 hours from my suburban Bortle 7 backyard.  I tried stacking it in other systems but only APP could handle the complexity of rotated subs, my drift causing mis-registration, my desire to maximize and increase the imaging frame to hold all these drifting rotating subs, and handling the highly vignettes corners from using a too big sensor on a focal reduced observational newtonian!  Talk about a pressure test!  But it works!   Yay for LNC and MBB and integrating in full mode!

Good job!


PS: my big ask would be to create a way to stack 6000 24-megapixel subs with field rotation without using 4-6TB of SSD.  Either perhaps compressing the intermediate data you save with compression tuned for the data format you store or provide a way to stack a big job in chunks and then stack the final output together.  I do that manually now.

This topic was modified 1 year ago 4 times by Steven Miller

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5710

That made my weekend  at least, always great to hear from people that have fun with it. 🙂 We will always work on improving the data processing, it already uses less memory in the latest beta, disk space is a different matter though, I'll ask Mabula if some type of compression would be possible.
