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Selection Area Box(es) for Light Pollution removal and Mono processing

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Main Sequence Star
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Posts: 15
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My typical capture workflow for LRGB capture using a monochrome camera is to do:

10-15 images of L, then 10-15 images of R, then 10 - 15 images of G, then 10 - 15 images of B --- loop over these steps for multiple sessions.


I stack, them, do combine LRGB and then do post processing like light pollution removal, color calibration, etc.

I image from my backyard in Bortle 7 skies so the Light Pollution removal tool is a life saver. I was wondering if I could improve my processing by individually applying light pollution removal to the L,R,G,B stacked images and then combine to obtain the color image? Would individual LP removal give better results? In which case, is there a way to transfer the area selection boxes from one image to another instead of re-doing the entire selection boxes manually for each image?


Thank you,

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 4366

Hi @outer-space,

In my experience, you want to perform Light Pollution Removal only on the resulting LRGB composite. If you perform it on the individual L,R,G,B stacks, you need to be very carefull. If you do it unprecise, you can create bigger problems that are harder to correct in the LRGB composite. The reason for this is that the correction models are very flexible and if applied not precisely, you can introduce unwanted and unrealistic gradients even. So in my experience best control and results are achieved if you only apply the light pollution removel once on the final LRGB composite.

We have on our ToDo list to save/load the correction model and the locations of the area select boxes as well 😉

