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Feature Suggestion: Integration Report Text File

1 Posts
1 Users
Red Giant
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 52
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Hello!  It would be lovely if APP produced a "summary report" for each integration run, much like a text version of the snazzy new Analytical Results Per Light Frame graph in 2.0 beta 17.  This is useful so we have a record of what specific frames went into the integration along with useful summary data -- total integration time per filter (I understand this is Total Integration Time in the FITS header), number of subs per filter, median FWHM/eccentricity/SNR per filter, average ADU per filter, etc.

A month or so ago I went on vacation and look a ton of raw subs with me that I stacked into about 2 dozen targets.  For most integrations I de-selected some subs for quality reasons, so I ended up using fewer subs in the integration than I had.  My vacation brain forgot to note these down, so in many cases I don't know that I took "X subs of Y seconds for Z filter" and thus can't post that with my images.  It would be useful if APP saved just such a report with each integration.
