Are saved calibrate...
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Are saved calibrated frames standalone images ?

2 Posts
2 Users
Neutron Star
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 66
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Hi - I have an urgent question that concerns a complex mosaic within a couple of days for a competition.

I have been trying to combine mono and DSLR data by splitting the calibrated DSLR frames and also exporting all the calibrated mono frames into separate folders I call "Red Cal", "Green Cal" and "Blue Cal". 

This way I can quickly reintegrate them without having without having to find / select the calibration masters which is time consuming.


However when I do the integrations I am concerned that I am seeing messages relating to "Found Calibration Masters"  or in some cases "Could not find calibration masters ... " - possibly because the calibration masters  have been moved, deleted or recreated.


So my question is whether the saved calibrated files are stand alone images or do they need the original master calibration files in their original locations ?

I am concerned that I am not working with truly calibrated frames 


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

What I would do is to process the RGB integration fully first, with their proper calibration frames. Then I would split the integrations into R, G and B. Mono data calibrated properly as well and integrated, then register and normalize all data and recombine.
