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15th Feb 2024: Astro Pixel Processor 2.0.0-beta29 released - macOS native File Chooser, macOS CMD-Q fixed, read-only Fits on network fixed and other bug fixes

7th December 2023:  added payment option Alipay to purchase Astro Pixel Processor from China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Korea, Japan and other countries where Alipay is used.


CUDA Processing

5 Posts
4 Users
Black Hole
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 183
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@mabula @vincent

In my Ice Lake platform, I have a couple of NVIDIA A4000 GPUs that are extremely good at data processing, even though the GPUs are not being used for display purposes, will APP still use them for processing?


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

GPU support is not there yet, it is something we want to add, but it's not the highest on the list at the moment. We do know this would be very nice to have though, when 2.0 stable is out I will discuss the future road with Mabula and this will definitely be checked.

Simon Todd reacted
Neutron Star
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 113

IMHO this is a very important request, already known for a lot of time!

The difference when using CUDA is astonishing!

I hope to see this implemented so APP will really be fast.



Hydrogen Atom
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 2

I would love to see this feature added as well. The speed improvement when using GPU processing for other applications has such a positive impact on workflows and experience. 

Black Hole
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 183
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To put this into perspective, I just enabled CUDA processing in Pixinsight with BlurXterminator ans StarXterminator, on my 6-panel Mosaic of the Crescent nebula and surround area, my 286mpx image, just running StarXterminator with a 32 Core CPU and 512GB RAM it would take 45 minutes to remove the stars.

The test I have just done with a single GPU CUDA processing took 2m28s to complete the same action

