Flat error message
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Flat error message

4 Posts
3 Users
Main Sequence Star
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Posts: 19
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I thought I had the calibration frames figured out as I had no issues for some time, especially after I created a dedicated library of darks, flats and dark flats. I attempted to create some new flats and dark flats when I switched back to a LP filter from a quadband narrow band filter.

I often get the error message in the jpg below

flat error

 It seems like I have met all the requirements listed in the screen shot but still get this error.



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

There must be a problem still, maybe have a look at the FITS header information for your flats to see if something is odd there (like offset 0 or things like that).

Brown Dwarf
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 4

I ran into this error code when in calibration APP began working on the Flat's. It already completed making a Master Bias, Master Dark Flat, and Master Dark but then gives this error and stops before it complete's the Flats. I re-booted the PC and tried three times, then I eliminated some of the flat files multiple ways, then I used an entirely different set of flat files that I know worked before and are good but it made no difference, still error message the same. Here is a screen shot of the error message:

APP MasterFlat Calibrate Process Error Message A

 Thanks, John Williams

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

Mm, it seems to be an error while doing light frame calibration, not the flats. Do you have your lights loaded as well at the same time? Although I would then still expect a masterflat to be created. I may have to ask for a small set of your data to check it out.
