Errors while Normal...
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Errors while Normalizing

8 Posts
2 Users
Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 20
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I have three images trying to stack them together. All are products of APP stacking:

  • Extracted Ha stack
  • Extracted Oiii stack
  • RGB stack

I load them as Lights and then at 5) Normalize:

Encountered error in module:

Error message:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1

G.a(Unknown Source)
G.doInBackground(Unknown Source)

Then when I uncheck [] neutralize background, I get this:

Encountered error in module:

Error message:

no trace

Any ideas what is going on / how to make it work?

This is all on the latest 1.083.4 / Windows.



Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

Yes, this is because APP can't normalize narrowband data together with RGB data yet (it's on our shortlist to make that possible). So you would need to have those stacks registered with each other and saved, and then you can combine them in RGBCombine.

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 20
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Thanks, but not sure if I understand you correctly.

The RGB is from a different session/optics/camera, so I need _somehow_ to register it with the other two narrowband images.

So should I make an RGB of combined Ha+Oiii and then register it with the RGB?

I have just tried the 1st step - RGB combine of the Ha and Oiii and goth the following:

The images aren't compatible!
please make sure that the
data has same dimensions and bit depth

Both the Ha and Oii are APP products of "Extract Ha" and "Extract Oiii" from the same dual narrowband bayer stack.

What do I miss?


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

Did you register and then save the registered frames? Saving those can be done in the register tab all the way down. It's the normalization that can't be done.

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 20
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No I haven't saved the registered frames.

I went all the way through to Integration with each of (Ha, Oii, RGB).

Should the steps be:

  1. Extract Ha -> Load -> Calibrate -> Analyse Stars -> Register -> SAVE
  2. Extract Oiii -> Load -> Calibrate -> Analyse Stars -> Register -> SAVE
  3. Load the SAVEd as Lights and Normalize?
    RGB combine the SAVEd frames

I'm lost a bit now...

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

No, just create the integrations first. The Ha, the OIII and the RGB and load those integrations back in as lights, then register those and save them.

Main Sequence Star
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 20
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Ahhh OK got it. It works now - shows the aligned sessions after RGB combine. Thanks a lot for the guidance!


Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

No problem, great it did!
