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Multi session DLSR - best practice

6 Posts
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Main Sequence Star
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 18
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New to APP , and watching and reading as much tutorials / faqs as I can.

Cant seem to find a specific way to get the best output from Multiple sessions in my Bortle 8 area , of the same target over a period of months. At the basic level If I use the same Focal length , exposure , ISO settings over multiple nights am I better to combine either :

1. Integrate all in one go using the multi session option.

2. Integrate each night separately as 1 session. Then combine the integrated final non stretched fits produced at the end of each session together. Will it treat the final integrated Fits from each session as ‘Light’ files that have been fully processed . So in effect I’m stacking the final files from each night together?





Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

You can create integrations of a few nights together (ideally over 40 subs at least). This will not stress your system as much as combining everything (which requires a big system ususally). Those integrations can then be combined again when you have them all, the result should be quite nice doing it that way and yes, you can load integrations as lights. No calibration frames then of course as they should've been used already for the integrations.

White Dwarf
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 12


Will there be a difference between the two ways (i.e. a) stack everything in one go and (b)stack each session separately and then stack results) ? If so which should give better result? 

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

Hi Igor,

Sorry I was on the move for a few weeks. So, theoretically stacking the subs would give a slightly better result. However, in practice, I never really saw that and it's not always handy either as a lot of subs can give memory issues. You can try both approaches to see if you see a difference, but I tend to combine integrations I corrected fully etc.

White Dwarf
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 13


I recently started using APP and started to experiment with multi session approach. If I produce integrated fits (non-stretched) from individual sessions what is the process to combine them? Do I load them up as light frames and run integrate ? I noticed pulling them as "processed" files and trying to integrate complains that there are no light frames. 

Thank you

Universe Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 5707

You indeed just load them in as lights.
